The Design of Modular and Multifunctional Transportation Equipment for Rural Areas in the High Mountains of West Java

  • Ruben Haris Lukito Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Yannes Martinus Pasaribu Bandung Institut of Technology
Keywords: transportation, mechanical equipment, rural, West Java


The majority, rural people live from agriculture. The decline in human resources resulted in the need for tools that could help farmers cultivate their land. However, agricultural tools are not always used all year round. Therefore, the aim of this design is to design a multifunctional mechanical device for use in rural areas, especially the highlands. The data gathering used the literature study method regarding previous research on transportation needs in rural areas and agriculture to determine general conditions. Interviews and observations in Cisondari Village, West Java were conducted to seek information about specific needs. From literature studies as well as interviews and observations, it can be concluded that there is a need for a multifunctional means of transportation to support the social life of rural communities. However, there is no means of transportation that can be used by farmers to cultivate land in the highlands. Therefore we need a concept of a mechanical device that can be used for various activities on land as well as for social needs such as transporting goods and people. The writer's knowledge is limited in design and concepting, so it is necessary to develop design concept by other scholar. Even so, with the design concept in this study, manufacturers of mechanical and multifunctional devices for villages can use them as a consideration in developing their products, so that they can answer the needs of rural communities.


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How to Cite
R. Lukito and Y. Pasaribu, “The Design of Modular and Multifunctional Transportation Equipment for Rural Areas in the High Mountains of West Java”, JDI, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 20 - 31, Nov. 2020.