The Production Simulation Of E-Bike ITSB First Model

  • Wildan Aulia Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung
Keywords: comprehensive prototyping, supply chain, simulation, production


The ITSB Product Design Study Program through the student's final project has innovated the solar-powered scootpad concept which was executed until the prototype stage called E-Bike ITSB. To distribute development results to the community, the Industrial Product Design Center under the ITSB Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) prepares the E-Bike ITSB production stage to obtain good product standards so that it is suitable for distribution to users. This is urgent to do because the existence of this vehicle has received a positive response from the public through several national publications. The public interest in this vehicle to be used as a commuter vehicle in an integrated area has emerged. Production preparation is carried out through a comprehensive prototyping method, which is to test products on a full scale operated in maximum conditions and simulated in the in-line production stage to test aspects of supply chain and production efficiency and readiness. The research resulted in five E-Bike ITSB units. Partnership cooperation for the fulfillment of electrical components and making frames has begun to be established. This activity can be claimed to have increased the readiness of E-Bike ITSB  to level 5 because the supply chain of components and frames has been identified and begun to be established.


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How to Cite
W. Aulia, “The Production Simulation Of E-Bike ITSB First Model”, JDI, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 47-54, Mar. 2021.