The Use of Local Craft Terms in the Collaboration Process between Craftspeople and Designers
A Literature Review
One strategy for developing the craft and design sector in Indonesia involves collaborating designers with craftspeople. This collaboration is not just about engaging participants and knowledge from the design domain, but also from the local craftsmanship domain. Due to the value of tradition and culture, the craftsmanship domain possesses diverse and valuable creative knowledge, such as their creative knowledge reflected in the use of local craftsmanship terms. This paper uses a literature review method by collecting previous studies through Scopus and Elicit, a scientific publication database website. Studying from various books and articles about language, culture, crafts, and design process, the authors conclude that the use of certain language and terms represents knowledge, traditional values, and identity of designers or individuals that could influence a design process. Therefore, understanding local language and vocabulary in crafts is crucial for an effective collaboration between craftspeople and designers. This paper serves as a basis for further research in examining the use of local craftsmanship terms in collaborations between craftspeople and designers. Additionally, this paper also inspires authors to preserve and revitalize the traditional values of local crafts, namely by creating a repository of local craft terms. It is hoped that this paper could provide insight for designers regarding the importance of using specific language and terms and understanding the traditional values of craftspeople for a sustainable craft and design collaboration process.
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