Opportunities for Developing Manglayang Bandung Coffee Product Waste as Material and Interior Design Elements in Coffee Center.

  • Baladika Pahleva Ashari Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung.
  • Iyus Kusnaedi Djuhara Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung.
Keywords: Waste, Coffee, Material, Interior


The Coffee Center is a building that functions as an information and education center for the Uncle Fly Eco-tourism Area, which includes an information center, cupping test room, podcast studio, competition area and owner's work space. The growth of the coffee industry at the Manglayang Coffee Farming Center, Bandung, can produce up to tens of tons of coffee, which also produces significant product waste. This research explores opportunities for developing waste products from the coffee industry as materials and interior design elements. Using qualitative research methods involving analysis of product waste, assessment of the quality of the materials produced, as well as exploration of interior design based on sustainability concepts. The research results show that coffee product waste has the potential to be an innovative and ecological material, in the form of a composite material based on natural fibers and resins, which can be recycled or biodegraded. The development of this material can have a positive impact on the local economy and the environment, while interior design that utilizes waste coffee products can create unique, aesthetic and environmentally friendly spaces. This study contributes to the understanding of coffee industry waste management as a valuable resource that can be creatively integrated into interior design.


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How to Cite
B. Ashari and I. Djuhara, “Opportunities for Developing Manglayang Bandung Coffee Product Waste as Material and Interior Design Elements in Coffee Center.”, JDI, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 193-222, Sep. 2024.