Jurnal Desain Indonesia. https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi <p><strong><em><img src="/public/site/images/jdiadmin/011.JPG"></em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The Jurnal Desain Indonesia (The Indonesia Design Journal)</em></strong>is a journal managed by the Indonesian Industrial Product Designers Alliance ADPII and is an open journal focused on research results in the field of design in general, both research in the form of work or in general research. Jurnal Desain Indonesia is published periodically in January and September.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong><em>The Jurnal Desain Indonesia&nbsp;indexed by</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em><img src="/public/site/images/jdiadmin/Google_Scholar_logo_2015_90pixel1.png">&nbsp; and&nbsp;<img src="/public/site/images/jdiadmin/garuda1_90_pixel1.png"></em></strong></p> <p>The Jurnal Desain Indonesia (The Indonesia Design Journal)aims to build and strengthen academic nuances in the field of design, both product design, interior design, visual communication design, textile design, craft, fashion, and other fields of art that professionally produce artifacts. Writing received in The JurnaL Desain Indonesia (The Indonesia Design Journal )can be lifted from the results of the design process (creation), creative analysis, research results, conceptual ideas, studies, and application of theory, or book reviews.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Jurnal Desain Indonesia (The Indonesia Design Journal) for the time being is only online, at https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com. Correspondence is only served by electronic mail to andrymasri@gmail.com.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>To date, The Jurnal Desain Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Design)is supported by:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Department / Product Design Study Program from the institution&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li class="show">Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya</li> <li class="show">Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar</li> <li class="show">Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tZ0YiBpzuPhcItr1DWd7i95goKKMJo8g/view?usp=drive_link">Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta</a></li> <li class="show">Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya</li> <li class="show">Institut Teknologi Bandung</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_iV7rKIL3DoF73JaN-cVKftiMyixNBlV/view?usp=drive_link">Institut Teknologi Nasional</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WBxHsIQe95HNVWgkENSxqlAMPsl-nkrg/view?usp=sharing">Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung</a></li> <li class="show">Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZYsFufxjrM9HkqF13NVTqhnLq1e7JR-b/view?usp=sharing">Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto</a></li> <li class="show">Politeknik Negeri Samarinda</li> <li class="show">Universitas Trisakti</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/10K_Ru7e63vKuiH-4kMVWsh0xlABTkuhI/view?usp=sharing">Universitas Surabaya</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_GVMuzTQEHg6fMlkuWNwqTcKmKi8gUc/view?usp=sharing">Univ Pembangunan Jaya</a></li> <li class="show">Univ Trilogi</li> <li class="show">Univeristas Paramadina</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xn5SUHhFTGw1jhz5qjMKiVAvnWP0aWUN/view?usp=drive_link">Universitas Dinamika</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tsqlqleBci8-BrSiacXcme56rBLPeCLw/view?usp=sharing">Universitas Esa Unggul</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tsqlqleBci8-BrSiacXcme56rBLPeCLw/view?usp=drive_link">Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XsJ2a8Npw1pS7F8cIeYA7TreHALHtILi/view?usp=sharing">Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LN48uWaIXKpB7CIpZH5h21uHAIShTj56/view?usp=drive_link">Universitas Mercu Buana</a></li> <li class="show">Universitas Pelita Harapan</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XnhKxoFgGthGqyrMJrpi1aiDLw4eaejQ/view?usp=sharing">Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tasikmalaya</a></li> <li class="show">Universitas Agung Podomoro</li> <li class="show">Universitas Prasetya Mulya</li> <li class="show"><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h2t1ODTHWuWIjvSfiQDi-gZ9ANbc1Oij/view?usp=sharing">Universitas Telkom</a></li> </ol> <p>The Jurnal Desain Indonesia (The Indonesia Design Journal )is published by the publisher ADPII (Indonesian Industrial Product Designers Alliance) having its address at: Jl. Flores no. 3, Bandung, West Java. Indonesia</p> en-US dwinita_larasati@jurnal-desain-indonesia.com (Dwinita Larasati) jurnaldesainindonesia@gmail.com (Admin Jurnal Desain Indonesia) Mon, 20 Jan 2025 12:31:54 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Creative Product Development Opportunities: Coffee Skin Waste of Manglayang Bandung Farmer Group for Furniture Design Component https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/409 <p><em>The high level of industrial waste from the plantation sector is a major concern in Indonesia, especially in the context of coffee production. Sentra Tani Manglayang, as one of the long-established coffee industries, produces coffee waste that has the potential to be recycled into new products. This research aims to explore opportunities for creative product development from coffee skin waste, focusing on the integration of such waste in furniture design. This approach involves experimenting with waste as an important component in furniture making and making a positive contribution to the environment. This endeavor is expected to serve as a basis for further development in the utilization of coffee skin waste, making it a sustainable and valuable resource for the environment.</em></p> Anantya Fadlah Azzahra, Saryanto Saryanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/409 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 12:50:18 +0700 Perancangan Board Game Sebagai Sarana Edukasi Mengenai 38 Provinsi Rumah Adat Indonesia Untuk Anak Usia 9-12 Tahun https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/489 <p><em>Currently, learning media is needed to support a good learning process that is easy to understand, especially for children, many of whom do not yet understand well about learning, especially cultural learning. Indonesian culture has an important role in education, one of the cultures is the traditional house, which currently lacks a form of education that is easy for children to understand. The aim of this research is to provide an educational medium, namely board games, for children aged 9-12 years who are categorized as understanding how to play games. Making board games the main support in this education is by implementing a learning while playing system that can be easily played. form creative thinking capital in children. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection in the form of literature, interviews and questionnaires. Apart from that, the design method used in this design uses the board game design method found in the book "The Kobold Guide to Board Game Design" by Mike Selinker. The research results in the design are very good and can be understood by children aged 9-12 years so that they can know each traditional house in Indonesia without having to feel confused.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Board Game Strategy, Education, Indonesian Cultural Heritage, Traditional Houses</em></p> Shinta Ameilya Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/489 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 16:46:22 +0700 Unpacking Object Agencies in Craft Production towards Sustainable Development https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/491 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sustainable development (SD) is a global agenda that needs multi stakeholders participation to ensure it reaches the goals, including craft and design practitioners intervention. It shall begin with understanding what a certain kind of sustainability means at the practical level. Learning that traditional craft practice reflects the SD principles and the significance of objects as agencies, this paper unpack the kinds of objects in craft production and its agency endorse sustainable development principles. It used multiple sources within one research design by triangulating the data from multiple data collection methods: designer interviews; field research in a bamboo craft production in Tasikmalaya (Indonesia); and in a glassblowing workshop in Chicago (North America). The result shows that objects, such as material, tools, and space contribute to the harmony of social, environmental, and economic systems. Objects ‘kick back’ formulates production constraints in material sourcing and treatment, and capacity of production. It facilitates social capital that strengthens the social system in the community, and shapes craft production to focus on well-being instead of great income. Object agencies in craft production could inspire design intervention in sustainable development. </span></p> Hendriana Werdhaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/491 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:04:34 +0700 Digital Transformation in Upcycling-based Craft Industry: https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/500 <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Perkembangan teknologi digital saat ini memberikan kemudahan akses bagi berbagai industri, termasuk industri kerajinan yang mulai mengadopsi transformasi digital dalam proses bisnisnya. Namun, industri kerajinan berbasis upcycling masih relatif kurang dieksplorasi. Industri ini melibatkan penggunaan kembali bahan atau barang yang tidak terpakai untuk menciptakan produk yang bernilai lebih tinggi dari keadaan aslinya. Konsep ini sejalan dengan inisiatif pemerintah terkait industri hijau dan penerapan ekonomi sirkular. Industri kerajinan berbasis upcycling menghadapi tantangan seperti keterbatasan bahan baku, eksplorasi bentuk produk, sumber daya manusia yang terampil, inovasi, dan pengembangan desain produk. Penelitian ini menganalisis literatur tentang industri kerajinan berbasis upcycling, dengan fokus pada lima variabel utama: Transformasi Digital (DT), Ekonomi Sirkular (CE), Desain dan Inovasi Produk (PDI), Penciptaan Nilai Berkelanjutan (SVC), dan Upcycling (U). Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis (SLR), dengan mengambil artikel yang terindeks di Scopus dari basis data ProQuest dan ScienceDirect melalui fase identifikasi, penyaringan, kelayakan, dan penyertaan. Oleh karena itu, 105 artikel dipilih dan dianalisis menggunakan meta-analisis dalam NVivo 12 Pro berdasarkan fokus pembahasan dan hubungan variabel dalam konteks industri kerajinan berbasis daur ulang. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa kebutuhan penelitian dalam konteks transformasi digital (DT) sangat penting dalam memajukan praktik daur ulang. Integrasi teknologi digital ke dalam proses desain, produksi, dan distribusi dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan untuk mempromosikan penciptaan nilai berkelanjutan dan inovasi desain produk. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasi area potensial untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dan mengisi kesenjangan pengetahuan yang terkait dengan potensi transformasi digital (DT) dalam industri kerajinan berbasis daur ulang.</span></span></em></p> Faza Wahmuda, Ellya Zulaikha, Hadziq Fabroyir ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/500 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:16:08 +0700 Cultural Modalities as Potential for Cultural Heritage Tourism: Reflective Observation Study Cipanjalu Hamlet, Palintang Village, Ciporeat District, Bandung Regency https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/511 <p>This article discusses the role of cultural modalities in the development of cultural heritage tourism with a case study in Cipanjalu Hamlet, Palintang Village, Ciporeat District, Bandung Regency. The main aim of the research is to understand how local cultural modalities contribute to the management and promotion of cultural heritage tourism, as well as their impact on economic sustainability and preservation of local culture. With a scientific perspective on Visual Communication Design in the competency areas of Visual Culture and Cultural Heritage Conservation; This research is qualitative research with an observational-reflective approach referring to the Kolb Model. The research results show that cultural modalities such as traditions based on literature and culinary in Cipanjalu Hamlet are built between local community legends and traditional ways of life - have the potential to attract tourists and can support efforts to strengthen local cultural identity in the Era of Society 5.0. However, facing the challenges of the onslaught of information and open communication technology, it was also concluded that challenges such as sustainable management, cultural preservation and community participation remain the main focus. in promoting sustainable tourism and preserving valuable cultural heritage.</p> <p>Key words: cultural heritage, cultural modalities, cultural preservation</p> Ramlan Ramlan, Agustina Kusuma Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/511 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:29:01 +0700 Utilization of Bending Techniques on Corn Cobs for Designing Fashion Accessory Products https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/544 <p>This research is a design of fashion accessories product made from corn cob production waste with an exploratory approach, utilizing bending, twist, and kintsugi techniques. The research also involves combining modules from the exploration results, resulting in a novelty in the design outcome that can reveal the material's characteristics. The background of this research is that the techniques used in the research have never been done by the previous internship company, except for the bending technique. The method used in this research is experimental design, which is done with a direct exploratory approach to the material at the corn cob waste processing industry at PT. Matahati Kreasi Nusantara, Bandung. At the end of the research, jewelry products made from corn cob material are produced, resulting from a combination of bending, twist, and kintsugi techniques.</p> Andry Masri, Shafira Cahya Camila ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/544 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:55:43 +0700 Finding Potential For Promotional Design Strategy: Gen Z Empathy Map Towards Healthy Food https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/540 <p>Dampak wabah COVID-19 menyadarkan masyarakat di Indonesia untuk hidup lebih sehat. Menurut <em>Herbalife Nutrition </em>merilis temuannya “<em>Asia Pasific Personal Habits Survey” </em>&nbsp;mengungkapkan segmen Gen Z lebih cenderung memiliki kebiasaan pola makan yang tidak sehat dibandingkan dengan generasi lainnya. Situasi pandemi kemudian menyadarkan <em>Gen Z </em>untuk mau melakukan perubahan gaya hidup, khususnya dengan memulai memilih makanan sehat (Herbalife Nutrition Ltd., 2022). Masyarakat menyadari bahwa memilih asupan makanan sehat akan berdampak pada peningkatan imunitas tubuh. Perubahan gaya hidup ini menarik ditinjau untuk menemukan target potensial promosi produk. Pada Sensus tahun 2022 diketahui bahwa Gen Z merupakan target potensial untuk promosi karena dari hasil riset diketahui mereka berjumlah 27,5%&nbsp; bagian dari jumlah penduduk produktif yakni hampir mencapai seperempat penduduk Indonesia (Tania &amp; Thio, 2021).&nbsp;</p> <p>Guna merancang desain promosi makanan lokal sehat dengan metode <em>design thinking, </em>perlu dilakukannya <em>empathy map </em>Gen Z untuk menemukan masalah dan potensi. Potensi tersebut kemudian dijadikan dasar penentuan strategi desain promosi dari produk makanan lokal sehat di <em>Parara Indonesian Ethical Store (PIES)</em>. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif melakukan wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka <em>paper </em>ini mengungkap strategi promosi yang tepat dan promosi makanan sehat dapat pula mendorong peningkatan industri pariwisata ke depannya di Indonesia.</p> Novena Ulita ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal-desain-indonesia.com/index.php/jdi/article/view/540 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 11:32:07 +0700